For the past 6 weeks, we've been running an updated, longer version of our signature program, FAT LOSS LIFESTYLE SCHOOL - and the results have been amazing!

We created FLLS in 2013, and over the last decade - well, life has gotten busier and crazier for everyone.
So we've made a few changes to the program to make it a better fit for the busy, high-achievers we work with.
If you've already done the program, know this:
The core of FLLS hasn't changed. Our philosophy on nutrition, training, and fat loss has not changed - and it won't - unless and until the science changes!
So what's different about FLLS now? There are 4 key changes we've made to the program for 2023:
1. THE LOOK Since our rebrand to REAL FITNESS TRAINING last Fall, we've re-done all the content in FLLS to match the updated branding. Purely an aesthetic change, but so needed! :) 2. THE PACE Now that FLLS is 6 weeks long instead of 4, we've slowed down the pace - making it easier for busy clients to stay engaged longer. More time with the content and (most importantly) the coaches = better results. 3. THE EXPECTATIONS In this lifestyle, we walk daily, we lift weights, and we do short, interval-based cardio! In the past, we had too many clients doing random workouts (or none at all) while doing FLLS. It was time to set the standard and show you exactly what training for improved body composition looks and feels like - right from day 1. FLLS now includes a 6-week training program delivered via our STRONGER TOGETHER Training Club app. Proper nutrition PLUS the right amount/type of training is what delivers the best results! (Not 90-minute Hot HIIT Pilates classes...whatever those are...) 4. THE FREQUENCY FLLS started out as a seasonal program: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. But in 2019, when our business really took off, clients were asking for the program more frequently, so we've been offering FLLS 6x a year (or more) for the past 3 years!!! For 2023 and beyond, FLLS is going back to its roots as a seasonal program offered only 4x a year. This gives us more time to create and deliver the OTHER, new programs we have lined up for you!
Thanks for reading our update about FAT LOSS LIFESTYLE SCHOOL! Now that these 6 weeks are (almost) behind us you'll be hearing from us again more regularly via the blog and our email list!
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